Church of the Incarnation

3966 McKinney Ave

Dallas, Texas 75204



Vision 2024

Annual Parish Meeting 2024

Last year there were so many important discoveries as the Central Planning Team evaluated nine areas of ministry at our church. In response to the rector's charge to the congregation at the Annual Parish Meeting 2024, our challenge this year is to lean in to all Christ has for us — as a church, as individuals, as families — to experience the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst.

Stay informed

UPDATE: From the Rector

April 2024

With thanksgiving for God’s abundant grace, I now share some important information about our church’s direction and strategic plans as we seek to fulfill our mission of spiritual growth in Christ. 

From January to March, the senior Staff and the Vestry digested and responded to the report, identifying several strategic priorities for the coming months (Q2-3 2024).

It is now time to share the results our Central Planning Process and the strategic work that the Staff and Vestry have undertaken in response:

  1. Central Planning Team Final Report (20 pp.)
  2. Executive Summary of the CPT report (4 pp.)
  3. Staff and Vestry Strategy Priorities for Q2-3 2024 (4 pp.)

As you will see, this process has been both inspiring and clarifying for our near and long-term mission. The bottom line is that the church’s leadership believes God is calling Incarnation to know and reflect our life in Christ in far deeper and more powerful ways, and to “level up” our ministries, systems, and resources accordingly.

Above all, I ask you to pray for the church’s mission and leadership in the months ahead. As always, the Vestry and I are happy to speak with you about any of this. 

My thanks, once again, to all who served on the Vestry, Staff, and CPT during this important time, and above all, Thanks Be to God!

Yours in Christ's service,

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Beeley, Rector

Serve and Lead

There are so many ways to serve one — in the church, in the city, in the world, and even in your home.

Jesus informed his disciples that "even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for many." When we step into service we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.


Join with us through giving

In Christ, God has been lavish in his generosity toward us. When you support the work of the church, we can continue to grow in ministry programs, building maintenance, infrastructure, and staffing. Your pledge helps us budget; or give now as the Lord has laid it on your heart.

"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God" (2 Cor. 9:11)