Church of the Incarnation

3966 McKinney Ave

Dallas, Texas 75204



CFM: DiscipleShip Teacher


This fun, engaging program teaches Pre-K to 2nd Grade kids the Bible through liturgy, stories, and activities to share how we can all grow up to be like Jesus!

DiscipleShip is a fun fast-paced class that includes a Bible story, music time and a game or activity. Volunteers are needed to teach the Bible lesson (curriculum provided) and assist with the games and overall class flow. Volunteers will be trained and prepared by CFM staff before each class! Volunteers arrive to class at 8:30am and rejoin the service in time for communion. 

Children are brought into the service where you are worshipping prior to take communion together. The time commitment for teachers is only the first 40 minutes of either 9 or 11:15 am service once a month. The curriculum is pre-set, so you don’t have to lift a finger, just take a few minutes to look over the story for the week.

Will you consider being a part of this amazing team?

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