3966 McKinney Ave
Dallas, Texas 75204
Come into this unique space, where we bring our hearts before the Lord and find grace sufficient for our deepest longings.
Each week we gather to give thanks to the Lord, to sing his praise, to hear his holy Word, and to pray for ourselves and others. Our service each week leads up to the Eucharist, where we experience the grace and presence of Christ through communion.
Our earnest desire is to know God and to be changed as we understand the teachings of the Bible. We offer classes for adults and children, all of which aim to lead us in the way of life found in Jesus Christ.
When we were far from God, Jesus Christ gave his life to bring us home. It is a free gift that we receive by trusting him, wherein we can receive eternal life. Each Sunday we gather to celebrate this reality.
If you'd like to know more about the sacrificial love of Christ and redemption offered through him, please email a priest to set up a meeting, or call the parish office at 214-521-5101.