Church of the Incarnation

3966 McKinney Ave

Dallas, Texas 75204



Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. — Philippians 4:6

Please use the form below to send us your prayer request, which will be added to the Confidential Clergy prayer list. Indicate whether or not to include your prayer request name(s) on the Parish Prayer list. Currently, the name(s) on the Parish Prayer list are read at some public services and on the internet. If posting about a friend or relative, please keep in mind privacy considerations (like HIPAA restrictions). Don't worry, God knows all the details.

Prayer Requests

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Would you like to add your request to the Parish Prayer list?

If so, may we use the first or first and last name of the person whom prayer is requested?

Every member at Church of the Incarnation may receive comfort, encouragement, and support during times of joy and times of sorrow through the various ministries for care and concern available within the parish. The clergy and designated lay pastoral ministers to visit our hospitalized and shut-in parishioners to bring them news of the parish, to pray with them, to provide sacramental care, and to be a reminder of God’s aiding presence.


A hospital stay may involve the birth of a child, a planned medical procedure, or treatment for illness or injury. When you anticipate hospitalization or when it occurs suddenly, please notify the Church Office as early as possible of your or your loved one’s hospitalization. We will make every effort to visit you during your time of treatment and will include you in our parish prayers.

Nursing Home Eucharists

In coordination with other area Episcopal Churches, Church of the Incarnation regularly provides a sacramental presence in several local nursing homes. These services are arranged and conducted by retired clergy associated with the parish.

Unction of the Sick (Anointing)

Holy Unction (or anointing) of the Sick is an act of healing, conveyed on both the sick and the dying. When this is administered on the deathbed, this traditionally has been called Extreme Unction (and often includes Holy Communion and Absolution). The sacrament consists of laying on of hands and/or anointing with oil along with appointed prayers from The Book of Common Prayer. Any parishioner may request the ministry of a priest to receive Unction. At Church of the Incarnation, Unction is offered every Wednesday at noon in Memorial Chapel as part of the celebration of Holy Communion and all are welcome.

Any of the priests on staff at Incarnation are happy to meet with you for direction, counsel, or simply just to talk. We are available for home visitations, hospital visitations, anointing of the sick, last rites, and funerals. Email a priest to set up a meeting, or call the parish office at 214-521-5101.

If you would like a clergy person to visit you in the hospital after your baby’s birth, please contact the church via phone (214-521-5101) when you are at the hospital. We can also add mom, dad, and baby to the parish prayer list. You may also call this phone number day or night to speak with a priest if you have a pastoral emergency.

Call the main number at 214-521-5101 and listen to the prompts for the emergency hotline.

Call 214-521-5101

Available day or night if you have a pastoral emergency. (Listen for prompts)

Alcoholics Anonymous: Central Expressway Group

LOCATION:  Main Campus Parlor
TIME:  Mondays, at 7 pm

Our focus is on newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous; however, all are welcome. If you have a problem or interest, please visit us.


Alcoholics Anonymous: Traditional Group

LOCATION:  Main Campus Family Ministries Room
TIME:  Tuesdays, at 7:30 pm
CONTACT: TOM H. AT 214.771.8923

Alzheimers & Dementia Caregiver Support Group

LOCATION: Garrett Hall, Family Ministries Room (upstairs)
DATE/TIME: First Thursdays at 12 Noon to 1 pm (meets monthly)

Pastoral Care Ministry and the Alzheimer’s Association offer a support group for those who care for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia. If this is your ministry right now, please plan to come and bring your experience, strength, and/or hope. Contact Deacon Judy Frizzell at 214-217-5619 for details.

Healing & Health Care Support Group

LOCATION:  Main Campus Suite
TIME:  Wednesdays at 1 pm

The Cancer Support Group is a confidential gathering of persons whose lives are affected by cancer. The weekly meetings allow each participant—whether recently diagnosed and in treatment for cancer, surviving cancer, or caring for a loved one with cancer—the option to speak candidly of “where they are” and of how his or her life is effected by illness as others attending listen. Following this time of sharing, we read aloud together from a book chosen as our current focus, which provides the vehicle for us to speak of the spiritual, emotional, and physical issues we may be experiencing. Each session ends with prayer for those attending. Participation is open to all.

Community of Hope

LOCATION:  Main Campus Library
TIME:  The second Sunday of the month at 3 pm

This lay group provides pastoral visits to parishioners who are not able to get to church. It operates in a context of Benedictine Spirituality and emphasizes formation and the spiritual growth of its members.

Walking the Mourner's Path

LOCATION:  Main Campus, Marmion Conference Room
DATE/TIME:  Thursdays, 5:30 to 7 pm (meets weekly) 

Walking the Mourner’s Path is a support group for people who are grieving the death of a loved one. It is an eight-week series of 1½ hour group sessions with a guided format to help participants in the “transforming of grief into joyful living.” The first group is to meet beginning in October. There is an interview for potential participants and a $75 registration fee for the workbook materials.

Pastoral Care Staff