3966 McKinney Ave
Dallas, Texas 75204
By the grace of Jesus Christ, our entire lives are rooted in profound gratitude. All that we are and all that we have are gifts from God! By giving to Church of the Incarnation, you are giving thanks to God for all he has given you. We hope this page assists you in making your gifts to Incarnation— whether that be your yearly pledge and monthly gift, a bequest for your estate, a special gift for capital expenses, or a memorial for a loved one.
Stay close to God by opening your heart to Him through prayer. Phil. 4:6; Mark 11:24; 1 Thess. 5:16-18
Honor God’s call as his people to give financially in support of his Church. 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Exodus 36:3-6; Deut. 15:10-11
Aim to fulfill the biblical standard for giving, a tithe, or giving the first 10% of our income to the Church, in addition to whatever other giving we may do or expenses we have. Genesis 14:19-20; Leviticus 27:30; 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Make a pledge. The heart of Christian giving is the yearly pledge to one’s Church. Each year members of Incarnation pledge how much we intend to give in the current and following year, so the Vestry can make a responsible budget to support the church’s mission and related expenses. Deut. 16:17
Financial giving to the Church is an act of gratitude and obedience to God’s word and a source of profound joy. Malachi 3:10; 2 Cor. 9:7
Consider including Incarnation in your estate or financial plans, and help sustain the mission of the Church for generations to come with a planned gift through bequests, insurance policies, and other assets. Let your will not only be a legal and financial statement but also a faith statement. Luke 6:38
Contact Ben Hodges in the Stewardship Office to start the conversation on how to leave a legacy gift as a way to endow your annual pledge.