Worship Style
We provide multiple worship experiences, from traditional to a little more casual, with varying styles of music. You will see varying styles of clothing, from casual to business professional.
3966 McKinney Ave
Dallas, Texas 75204
It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God.
~ Eucharistic Prayer (Rite I)
We provide multiple worship experiences, from traditional to a little more casual, with varying styles of music. You will see varying styles of clothing, from casual to business professional.
Our Sunday services usually include an opening procession, singing, Bible readings, prayers for ourselves and others, a sermon, and Communion.
All baptized Christians, no matter denomination, are welcome to receive communion. Those who are not baptized Christians are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.
You may notice some movement by other worshippers. If you are new to a tradition that uses formal prayers and liturgy, we encourage you to participate without any concern for “doing things correctly.”
Everything you need to know to fully participate will be provided to you in a detailed worship bulletin (traditional services) or on overhead screens (contemporary services).
During your visit, be sure to fill out a communication card and drop it in the offertory plate so that we may connect with you and answer any questions you may have about Incarnation, or contact us online at any time.
Interim Rector
Assistant Rector, Pastoral Care
Assistant Rector for Worship
Priest Associate
Director of Family Ministries
Deacon, Mission & Outreach
Deacon, Pastoral Care
Priest Associate, Pastoral Care